My Son is a Transmigrated Prince - Ch 006

Title: My Son is a Transmigrated Prince
Translator: Fringe Manatee
Chapter 6 - Everyone in the world knows of my relationship with my imperial mother (3)

The old cop had been studying the two of them when Song Yuan was still dumbfounded. He noticed that this incident might not be as simple as it looked. There had been parents who had abandoned their children at the police stations in the past. He pulled Rong Ting over and said with the most solemn look, “Little body, tell grandpa the truth. Who is she to you?”

Rong Ting tried very hard to not declare that the old cop guilty was being disrespectful. He hrmped and said, “Everyone in the world knows of my relationship with my imperial mother.”

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My Son is a Transmigrated Prince - Ch 005

Title: My Son is a Transmigrated Prince
Translator: Fringe Manatee
Chapter 5 - Everyone in the world knows of my relationship with my imperial mother (2)

Song Yuan thought his nickname for himself was quite peculiar and assumed that his parents had given him a nickname like “gu-gu”. Thinking about that, she thought he was just being coquettish.

(T/N: “This prince” is pronounced as “gu”. MC did not realize that he was referring to himself as “this prince”.)

As a middle-age lady, if she was to say things like “Yuan wouldn’t stoop to your level”, “None of Yuan’s business”, or “You don’t remember Yuan anymore?”, that must be something too.

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My Son is a Transmigrated Prince - Ch 004

Title: My Son is a Transmigrated Prince
Translator: Fringe Manatee
Chapter 4 - Everyone in the world knows of my relationship with my imperial mother (1)

“You don’t know this prince?”

“You have forgotten about this prince?!”

Song Yuan had no idea what it was that she said that made this calm, young-adult behaving, ancient-cloth-wearing little boy suddenly jump up and down in irritation as those she had committed some sort of heinous crime.

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