The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters - Ch 019

Title: The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters
Translator: Fringe Manatee
Chapter 19 - Happy Drama-Watching Life (4)

Big Aunt rolled her eyes immediately after she heard what Second Aunt had said, “Ah Qing’s company must be huge and have high requirements for qualifications. If I remember correctly, your daughter merely graduated from a trade school?”

Second Aunt was annoyed, but she continued on, “From what I have heard, companies nowadays value more about one’s ability than qualifications. Perhaps, my daughter’s qualifications was so-so, but she’s very competent in her ability.”

Big Aunt blew up right away, “What are you trying to say here? Are you suggesting that my son is not competent? My son was part of the student body back in college!”

Ye Qing, sitting on one side, took a sip of her tea. Okay, she had her fun, and now it’s time to quell the two of them. “Aiya, I trust that both of my cousins are very competent, and I will be more than happy to help! But I can only refer those who are in the same trade as I was. I don’t know about other fields. Big Aunt and Second Aunt, what do my cousins do?”

This time, Second Aunt was the first to respond, “Your cousin was in retail. She was very good at what she does.”

Ye Qing paused for a second after she had heard that. Feeling a little bit awkward, she said, “I am so sorry, Second Aunt. I wasn’t in retail nor do I know anyone in that field. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to help. I am so sorry….”

Second Aunt looked disappointed, but since Ye Qing had already said that, there wasn’t much more she could say.

Big Aunt gave Second Aunt a triumphant look before she told her what her son did, a bit nervous, “Your cousin is in design. He’s a professional designer.”

Oh, what a coincidence?

It was meant to be. How could she not help him out then? Of course she’d need to help him out!

Ye Qing feigned a surprised look, “What a coincidence? I was in design too!”

Big Aunt looked as happy as the day that she found out her son had gotten into a prominent college. She cried out ecstatically, “Oh my gosh! That’s great! So great!”

Ye Qing was quite happy as well, “Why don’t we do this, Big Aunt. Have little cousin send me his resume and a sample of his work. I’ll forward it directly to my old manager. I know they are still looking for someone in the department since I left. Little cousin is so good at what he does. I’m sure they will hire him!”

Second Aunt thought bitterly that that would never happen.

On second thought, she has a pretty good idea what kind of a person Big Aunt’s son was. He wouldn’t do well at all even if he was able to get into Ye Qing’s old company.

If Ye Qing’s old manager complain to her later her, perhaps she’d be upset that Big Aunt had handed her such a mess.

That ought to drive a wedge in their relationship.

Second Aunt felt much better after coming to that conclusion. She even said some nice, congratulatory words to Big Aunt.

Right now Big Aunt was too happy to even care about that. She kept on praising Ye Qing and making her sounded like the nicest, kindest, and prettiest girl ever to walk this earth before she bid her farewell and went home.

The nicest, kindest, and prettiest girl to ever walk this earth was quite happy with the praises. She saw the two aunties off with a little sadness and looked forward to the next drama.

At the same time, in a fancy suite inside a hotel, Chen Qinyan looked at his daughter, who was now playing with a cat toy. She was upset after her second failed attempt. His elegant eyes flickered, and he stepped out onto the patio and made a call.

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