The Villain's Mother - Ch 322 (End)

Title: The Villain’s Mother
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 322 - All of my motherly love will be given to you (3)

By the time they got home, Little Wang was already back from kindergarten. He was sitting on the carpet and doing simple math problems. Seeing his parents coming home, he dropped his pencil and rushed into Ruan Xia's arms.

"Mom, if you came back any later, I was going to call you!"

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The Villain's Mother - Ch 321

Title: The Villain’s Mother
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 321 - All of my motherly love will be given to you (2)

Before 6 PM, Song Tingshen came to pick her up. Right after he had gotten into the car, he asked, "Why is your face so serious? Is business bad? Or did the employees upset you?"

"No." Ruan Xia sighed and touched her very flat abdomen. "The girls in the store were talking about childbirth today."


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The Villain's Mother - Ch 320

Title: The Villain’s Mother
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 320 - All of my motherly love will be given to you. (1)

Ruan Xia would discuss new products with the pastry chefs. If a new dessert could be launched and successfully promoted, then the store would have a signature product. For example, there were stores known for their cake boxes with soy milk custard, molten lava cakes, etc. Although her shop was on that path to become a trendy shop, there were too many similar dessert stores, whether it was online or offline. She was still far from her goal. Fortunately, the store hadn't been open for long, and she already achieved good results.

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The Villain's Mother - Ch 319

Title: The Villain’s Mother
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 319 - Ruan Xia's husband (3)

Little Wang was courageous. He wasn't scared of sleeping alone. Lying on the bed, he looked at his ceiling and deeply sighed. He rolled over and with the blanket wrapped around him, he fell asleep shortly after closing his eyes. Ruan Xia's idea of a child feeling all alone and scared didn't exist.

At 11 PM, Song Tingshen carefully got out of bed and put on pajama pants. Ruan Xia was exhausted and had fallen asleep a long time ago. He opened the door and went to the other bedroom. He pulled the blanket up to cover Little Wang better and sat down on the side of the bed. He watched his son for a long time before being reassured. It was only then that he went back to the master bedroom and went to sleep with Ruan Xia in his arms.

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The Villain's Mother - Ch 318

Title: The Villain’s Mother
Translator: Fuyu

Chapter 318 - Ruan Xia's husband (2)

Since he chose to be human and a man, then he naturally had to keep his word. Under the pressure of Song Tingshen's eyes, he reluctantly got down from the bed and obediently went back to his room to sleep.

Disregarding whether Song Tingshen had an ulterior motive behind this lecture, Ruan Xia greatly approved of his way of educating children. With Song Tingshen present, she didn't have to worry that Little Wang would go down the wrong path.

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